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Ambassador Program

PRIME Brain/Body/Mind-55+ers Inc invites seriously interested stakeholders to apply to become Quadruple-Win Champions of Co-Founders Katharine & Bill White’s ultimate legacy cause:


​​To optimize the lives of as many 55+ers/Seniors as possible by helping prevent, minimize, or reverse diseases, disorders and/or challenges of aging, while guiding 55+ers/Seniors to transition to lives of best health, longevity, happiness, sharpness, vitality, serenity, life purpose, and socio-emotional connectedness!


PRIME-BBM Inc proposes to do this by offering to select vetted individuals the opportunity to refer 55+ers/Seniors for individual/group coaching and Mastermind classes/groups, and/or to help organize formal educational seminars and conferences in return for a modest commission. This referral arrangement may be leveraged to fund financial goals, a charity of one’s choice, or to support a combination of both. 


The Quadruple Win


1. Referred Seniors Win…receiving the ultimate gift of Better/Best Life - thanks to you!


2. You win…personally and/or philanthropically by doing something right that matters and helps others!


3. PRIME-BBM wins as we are able to help more seniors ASAP and build in even more and sooner affordable sustainability structures for those 55+ers/Seniors we are privileged to serve!


4. Everyone wins going forward, as we-all create growing numbers of PRIME-BBM therapeutic Senior milieus (micro) that when combined together improve our-all (that hopefully includes YOU BTW) capacity to develop a sustainable global movement (macro) that transitions the 55+/Senior culture from one of:




While the short-term goal of the Ambassador Program is to increase the number of PRIME-BBM Seniors served, we hope to build communities of alumni from which to 'recruit' PRIME-BBM Zoners that help us to address Senior loneliness and social dis-connectedness, while encouraging Best-12 Longevity/Wellness Practices 'Activation and Sustainability'. Needless to say, our longer-term goal is to spread PRIME-BBM’s Senior culture-change to increasing numbers of 55+ers/Seniors and Senior Milieus not just locally and regionally, but nationally (see Senior National Movement - To Be Published Soon). 


Please stay tuned as we-all put the finishing touches on PRIME-BBM’s Ambassador Program.

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