A 55+er/Senior Life-Improvement/Saving Company Is Born
PRIME Brain/Body/Mind 55+ers Inc.
Global Neuroscientists Katharine & Bill White APRN/CNSs Relocate to Vero Beach, FL
2023-2024 was a transition year for clinician-scientists Katharine and Bill White, MSN, APRN/CNSs. They closed their longstanding Senior-Living Medical/Brain Treatment company, Brain In Play International Inc., and relocated to Florida’s Treasure Coast to found and launch their legacy ‘life-saving and optimizing’ wellness company serving the Senior population: PRIME Brain/Body/Mind 55+ers Inc. (PRIME-BBM).
PRIME-BBM unveils the 3rd edition of the Whites’ world-acclaimed epigenetic longevity system, Brain/Body/Mind-Performance Enhancement(SM) or BBM-PE 3.0, which maximizes 55+ longevity and wellness via unprecedented innovations that optimize positive DNA expression. BBM-PE 3.0 can prevent or improve aging diseases/disorders of the Brain (AD, PD, Stroke), Body (Cancers, Heart/Lung Diseases, Diabetes, Obesity), and Mind (Depression, PTSD, Addiction, Anxiety).​​

On Jan 2, 2025 PRIME-BBM launches the first of a 2-stage start-up offering Coaching, Consultation, and Educational services, to include 1:1, family and group cognitive behavioral coaching, and disease-prevention/minimization and longevity consults and seminars. Services are provided to Seniors at home, select Independent/Assisted Senior-Livings, and designated community rehab and long-term care settings.
In late 2025 a stage-2 launch shares BBM-PE 3.0 with Seniors via an extensive digital platform featuring twice weekly live vid-webinars and inauguration of PRIME-BBM’s: 55er+ Longevity Academy, Research Library, 24/7 Support Portal, Resources/Tools Directory, and a PRIME-BBM Zone Advocacy Institute with Sponsors and Donors Pages. Seniors will learn quintessential longevity and wellness routines, receive and give support/connectedness, and learn who are the best Real Estate, Legal, Banking, Healthcare, Insurance, and Senior-Living service providers for Seniors.
This digital forum provides the infrastructure to realize PRIME-BBM’s ultimate legacy intention: To establish and sustain a Global ‘PRIME-BBM Zone’ Senior Movement. This ‘Movement’s Mission’ is to optimize longevity/wellness and life quality for as many Seniors as possible worldwide and transform the prevailing ‘Senior-Culture’ stereotype from one of “Old Age, Illness, Despair, Dying, Passivity, Disability, and Isolation” to one of “Wisdom, Resilience, Hope, Deserved Best Living, Life-Purpose, Ability, and Connectedness”. Stay tuned for updates and ways to help at www.PrimeBrainBodyMind55Plus.com.
Brief Company Evolution Story
The Whites presented the first prototype of BBM-PE at a 2013 Mayo Clinic sports brain-injury international summit. It marked the first time an epigenetic treatment was proposed to facilitate brain healing at cellular, molecular, and organ systems levels. A positive reception by world experts led Katharine, Bill, and Medical Director Alan Ashare MD to publish a best-seller book on neuro-epigenetic youth concussive-injury brain treatment in 2014, which sells on Amazon around the world to the present day.
In 2015, an enhanced BBM-PE (2.0) paradigm was inspired by the growing epidemic of 55+/Senior dementias, chronic bodily illnesses, and depression/anxiety. Even though many medical experts supported that 90% of such brain, body, and mind conditions of aging were preventable and treatable, only 10% of USA Seniors received recommended prevention care for such, and treatment-wise, the World Health Organization ranks the USA dead-last on ALL healthcare quality outcomes compared to 16 peer nations, a 2015-24 ongoing reality having the greatest negative impact on America’s Seniors.
Accordingly, in 2016, the Whites completed a proof of concept scientific study investigating if a hybrid version of BBM–PE could improve neuro-cognition and mood in Seniors diagnosed with mild dementia and depression. Results found that cognitive-behaviorally coached subjects who endurance-exercised for 20 minutes thrice weekly for 8 weeks exhibited statistically significant improvement in cognition and mood, with pre-study dementia and depression diagnoses reversed in nearly all clients. This study’s abstract was selected by the International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research & Treatment for both peer-reviewed scientific journal publication and poster-presentation unveiling at the 2017 Alzheimer’s Association’s Annual Conference in London, England.
From 2018–22 (thru the Pandemic) BBM-PE was field-tested with hundreds of Seniors at Home, Daycare, and Independent/Assisted Living settings via the White’s old company Brain In Play International, finalizing BBM-PE’s 3.0 edition: A trifecta of non-medication innovations delivering optimized longevity, brain/body/mind disease prevention/minimization, and top wellness outcomes. BBM-PE 3.0 combines 12 Best-Practice ‘WHAT’ protocols, with Activation-Science ‘WHY’, and Change-Sustainability ‘HOW’ processes (all of which can be personally tailored for best outcomes).
Post-PANDEMIC: Legacy Is Alive & Well: Who We Are Dedicated To Help & Why
At PRIME-BBM, we are 100% dedicated 55+er/Senior Advocates, Coaches, and Influencers! We help Seniors wanting to extend living their best lives as long as possible at home, at Independent and Assisted Senior Livings, or anywhere Seniors are aging in place…not just to live longer, but living healthiest, happiest and sharpest lives possible, with top life-purpose and social connectedness.
We will coach, support, and educate any healthy, illness-challenged, or ‘health-at-risk’ Senior and/or family member who wants to leverage longevity and wellness innovations to live the longest, best lives! We especially want to help Seniors who are alone, lonely, stressed out, sad/depressed, losing hope/purpose, or going through tough transitions. We aim to improve connectedness, hope, health, wellness, mood, sharpness, purpose, and vitality using our Coaching/Ed Modalities and/or Coming-Soon Global Digital Medium.
WHY? Due to sea-change innovations in TECH (Zoom/WIX), Healthcare (Epigenetics) and Social Media (FB, Y-Tube, Tik-Tok) etcetera, we can now deliver game-changing brain, body and mind disease prevention/management and wellness improvements that help and reach most-all Seniors!
MORE WHY? Nothing is worse than tolerating 55+ preventable: diseases, traumas, loneliness, knowledge deficits, loss of life-purpose, care/services-neglect etcetera from happening in the first place, which aging worsens...that research confirms causes unnecessary suffering and early deaths from dementias, bodily illnesses, and stress/depression. We now know DNA expression can be positively changed and the best and fastest ways to make and sustain this healing biogenesis happen. We also know for many Seniors, there is a life and death need to learn/practice the basics of PRIME-BBM’s value-prop, and for countless others, a need to enhance poor life quality. Net translation: Longest best Senior lives shared with those they love, who love and need them...lives that can be improved, and in many cases saved.
Back to The Future
To close, Vero Beach and Port St Lucie, FL will be PRIME BBM's ‘dual headquarters’. Florida’s Treasure Coast will serve as PRIME’s epicenter for regional start-up and national/global expansion, from which to share our 'longevity and wellness life-optimizing and saving' proprietary solutions.
POST-SCRIPT: PRIME-BBM’s Founders Katharine & Bill White are 25yrs, married, have raised 5 children, and LOVE each other, a growing family, fab friends, husky dogs, cats, ‘all’ live music, dancing, beaches, theater, art, science and exercise. They consider themselves blessed and personally and professionally fulfilled to be optimizing and prolonging the lives of Seniors they are privileged to serve. They are most grateful to their past/present mentors/family/friends to whom they owe an enormous debt of gratitude.
Regarding clinical pedigrees, see website Mini-Bios to expand on Bill’s 20-year history as a Hospital Chief Operating and Patient Care Officer, and Katharine’s Senior Vice President Positions as Hospital Chief Nursing Officer and SVP of VNA Home-Care Quality. Both are 4-decade Nurse Practitioners, Prescribers, and Psychotherapists, who have deep personal/family reasons for pursuing PRIME-BBM’s legacy cause.